Sunday, 20 December 2009
Jingle Bells, the Australian way!
Dashing through the bush, in a rusty Holden ute
Kickin' up the dust, the esky's in the boot.
Kelpie by me side, singin' Christmas songs
It's summertime and I am in my slinglet, shorts and thongs.
Oh Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Christmas in Australia on a scorchin' summer's day
Jingle Bells, jingle bells, Christmas time is beaut
Oh what fun it is to ride in a rusty Holden ute.
Engine's getting hot, dodging kangaroos
The swaggie clumbs aboard, he is welcome too
All the family's there, sittin' by the pool
Christmas day the Aussie way, round the barbeque
Come the afternoon, grandpa has a doze
The kids and Uncle Bruce are swimmin' in their clothes
The time comes round to go, let's take a family snap
Then pack the car and all shoot through before the washing up
Proudly Australian !!!
Friday, 30 October 2009
Katstories deur die jare
Daar is min dinge wat my so vinnig keyboard toe dryf as verlange. Na my man, my sussa, my oorlede ouers, broer, suster, my seuntjie...
Ek sukkel soms om te praat. Maar skryf, dis my uitlaatklep. Ek is nie 'n skrywer, 'n author nie. Ek babbel net. Maar dit help.
Ek het destyds in NZ begin, toe ek so verlang het net na ons ge-emigreer het. En toe my katte dood is, dit was moeilik, Pepper en Maya is 8 dae na mekaar dood. Ek wonder nog steeds of katte selmoord kan pleeg...
Hier is hulle storie.
This is a very sad story, about two kitties who loved each other too much.
In the beginning she played hard to get, and more often than not Pep would be at the receiving end of a whack or a scratch and hiss, depending on Her Highness' mood. But he persisted, and she capitulated. They became Romeo and Juliet, Anthony and Cleopatra... they became Pepper and Maya!
We will never know why she went to the roadside that morning. She was a tense, scared kitty, and petrified at the mere sight of the busy road. She never, ever went close to the road. What made her go there?
Did she follow Peppers scent-trail? Did Pepper come back to take her with him? Or was the heartache and missing too much for her to handle? So many questions, and no answers. Just the missing, the terrible emptiness, the physical pain of losing my furry children.
They are together again, their bodies side by side on their beloved beach, their souls free to play again on the sand and in the trees, in safety this time, where nothing can hurt them.
I love you, my kitties, my Pepper and Maya. You will always have a very special place in my heart.... together, side by side, as always.
In Loving Memory of Pepper & Maya
Katstories deur die jare
Daar is min dinge wat my so vinnig keyboard toe dryf as verlange. Na my man, my sussa, my oorlede ouers, broer, suster, my seuntjie...
Ek sukkel soms om te praat. Maar skryf, dis my uitlaatklep. Ek is nie 'n skrywer, 'n author nie. Ek babbel net. Maar dit help.
Ek het destyds in NZ begin, toe ek so verlang het net na ons ge-emigreer het. En toe my katte dood is, dit was moeilik, Pepper en Maya is 8 dae na mekaar dood. Ek wonder nog steeds of katte selmoord kan pleeg...
Hier is hulle storie.
Tribute to Pepper & Maya - A tale of two kitties
After we moved to New Zealand, I was going out of my mind with stress, and being a cat addict, missed having one to cuddle. I advertised in the local paper for a siamese girl, always having favoured orientals. Next thing I knew, a lady brought me a kitty, but "he" looked nothing like what I wanted. He was a tabby boy, but his mum was a Siamese lady with absolutely no taste in tomcats. It was love at first sight, he was such a charmer, and on the inside pure siamese.
Three months later a siamese breeder I initially contacted, phoned me to say she has kittens. I could not afford it at the time, and she offered me adoption of the 3 year old mummy-cat, whom she wanted to retire. We renamed Mai Ling to Maya, Queen of the Ancients. Her adjustment was a story of blood and tears, and one for another day. But eventually Pepper decided enough was enough, and went into my room and chased her out. She was not immune to his charms either.
In the beginning she played hard to get, and more often than not Pep would be at the receiving end of a whack or a scratch and hiss, depending on Her Highness' mood. But he persisted, and she capitulated. They became Romeo and Juliet, Anthony and Cleopatra... they became Pepper and Maya!
He showed her the great outdoor litterbox, aka the beach, on the other side of the garden. He raced with her through the garden, and up and down the palm tree. Together they enjoyed the sunspots in the house, on the deck and of course the beach. They always, without fail, followed us to the beach when we went for a swim, play or sleep or just wait for us by the stairs. They would race through the sand, roll in it and at a far-off, hidden corner, use it as a litterbox. And when they were tired of playing, they would sleep in a hollow tree hide-out covered by flax bushes.
Then came April 2, 2003, the sad day we found Pepper outside by the stairs. He was hurt and could not make it up, and he died there. Maya went with us to a special little spot to bury him. That was the last time she went to the beach. She missed him, and searched for him, and called him endlessly. Now she was scared to go out alone. She only went outside to do her potty, and she did not want to play. She would just lie there, in their favourite spots, or in their spot next to my pc screen. We were still battling to cope with with this grief, when we discovered another to deal with. Exactly 8 days after Pepper's journey to the Rainbow Bridge, Maya followed him.
Did she follow Peppers scent-trail? Did Pepper come back to take her with him? Or was the heartache and missing too much for her to handle? So many questions, and no answers. Just the missing, the terrible emptiness, the physical pain of losing my furry children.
They are together again, their bodies side by side on their beloved beach, their souls free to play again on the sand and in the trees, in safety this time, where nothing can hurt them.
I love you, my kitties, my Pepper and Maya. You will always have a very special place in my heart.... together, side by side, as always.
In Loving Memory of Pepper & Maya
Opvolg op 23 in die laataand
Hier is episode twee...
Saterdagoggend, 4 April 2009
Ag julle, as ek myself gisteraand jammer gekry het, is ek bitter na aan hartstogtelik in trane uitbars vandag. Die toilet is nog nie reg nie. Eers jaag ek vanoggend dorp toe, want ek wil self #2 en kan mos nou nie in my fragile toilet nie. Gelukkig het hulle nice loo's in die Woollies centre.
Nouja, toe is dit ek en plungers. Kry oral sulke dinky toys, en die LAASTE shop wat ek ingaan kry ek toe 'n grote. Ook op die heel laaste bleddie rak in die winkel. Nou stel julle voor, ek moerig, min slaap, kannie op my eie toilet sit nie (is julle mage ook so vol crap, pun intended, as dit by vreemde toilets kom?), voete moeg, kop seer, kry nie wat ek soek nie. Sal die girlie agter die till nie vir my se Have A Nice Day! nie.
@)*#($ $&#*(@(*$#& !!!
Ek het maar eerder bek gehou en geloop. Siestog arme kind weet ok mos nou nie van my treurmares nie. Terug huis toe, met plunger en drain cleaner gewapen, plus tablette wat boomwortels doodmaak in die drainsystem, virrie wis ennie onwis. Laat daar nie gesê worre ek cover nie my bas ... e .. basIS nie.
Plunge dat die water spat, toe onthou ek jy moet eers die water uitskep. Skep, skep, skep. Nou dit is nie meer bruin water nie, maar dit stink ten hoge hemele. Ek klink soos 'n kat met 'n hairball soos my magie ruk. Lyk ook seker soos een van ou Osama se aanhangsels met al die lappe om my kop gedraa om die fumes uit te hou. Plunge weer, klink of iets gorrel in die pyp, en wil net bly word. Spoel.... selle ou storie.
Jis maar my moer strip. Klim oppie pc en soek loodgieters. Wil julle glo, hier is VIER van hulle op hierdie klein eilandjie, en nie EEN is beskikbaar nie. Hulle antwoord nie eens hulle fone nie, net masjiene. Ek laat toe boodskappe, en wag, en wag, en wag. Nouja toe wil ek alweer loo. Toe gly my moer (daar is niks meer oor om te strip nie) en ek klim in die kar. Weer sentrum toe, hulle toilets is skoner as die op die strand. Toe Mitre 10 toe. Ek het die oggend daar 'n mcgavter gesien waarvan ek gisteraand op die web gelees het. So 'n spring'kie voor aan 'n lang kabel, 30 voet lank. Dan voer jy dit in die gat af en as dit by die blokkasie kom, rotate jy dit net. $35 later kom ek toe by die huis, waar my seuns nog boggerol chores gedoen het. Jis maar ek is 'n mislike ma. Haal my mood op hulle uit, veral PJ, Dawid het verskoning van eksamen. Nou of hy swot of voor sy pc sit, weet ek nie. Hy is hoeka self in die 23 want hy het vir sy girlfriend in NZ boeke uitgeneem op sy naam, toe gee sy een nie in nie en gister toe kry ek 'n brief van die bib in NZ wat se ek moet $53 betaal vir dit.
Maar ek dwaal af. Ek trek toe maar weer handskoene aan, dank vader vir die boks wear-once plastiekes in die kas, en takel die blokkasie. Sê eers vir PJ kook vir my water, menende in die pot. Hy verstaan toe in die ketel, en is buierig oor ek hom van die Xbox verjaag het, stamp my (glas) ketel teen die kraan... in stukke. Onvervangbaar, het dit in NZ gekoop destyds teen 70% discount. Toe haal ek maar my moerigheid uit op die verstopsels. Omtrent vyf voet se kabel, eerste blokkasie. Ek woer woer daai draadjie en voer die kabel verder. Nog drie blokkasies, laaste een so op 25 voet in die pyp af.

Nou spoel die ding, ek het amper my plumbers-licence, maar ten koste van my maag se one-way klep en slukvermoë. Ek leef op vloeistowwe want ek is te bang om iets te eet. Nou gaan ek die loo weer spoel, en hoop vir die beste, en 'n nanna-nap vat. Het dit nodig. Dit en 'n kopseerpil.
Enjoy your day! NOGAL!!!
ps... net om te sê, dit het ook nie gewerk nie. Alle dank aan die een loodgieter wat ek toe in die hande gekry het, en Maandagoggend net na agt, $108 later, toe is my toilet weer hunky dory. O die wonderlike lewe van 'n grasweduwee.
ps... net om te sê, dit het ook nie gewerk nie. Alle dank aan die een loodgieter wat ek toe in die hande gekry het, en Maandagoggend net na agt, $108 later, toe is my toilet weer hunky dory. O die wonderlike lewe van 'n grasweduwee.
23 in die laataand
So bietjie ou nuus
Ek is vanaand lus vir skryf, seker weer al die ou verlanges wat oopgekrap is. Maar eers wil ek stories publiseer wat ek in April geskryf het, na een partikulere woeste naweek... maar lees maar hoekom dit so erg was...
Ek is vanaand lus vir skryf, seker weer al die ou verlanges wat oopgekrap is. Maar eers wil ek stories publiseer wat ek in April geskryf het, na een partikulere woeste naweek... maar lees maar hoekom dit so erg was...
Scene: Vrydag aand, 3 April 2009
Ag julle, ek kry myself so jammer. Ek het sopas 'n groot 23-spul gehad. (dis nou kode vir k..k - as jy die letters tel, is dit 11 + 1 + 11 = 23) Sien, net toe ek wil gaan slaap, toe sê PJ vir my "Ma die toilet loop amper oor." Dis nou NADAT hy ge-23 het.
Dis Vrydagaand. Dis elfuur in die nag. My man is op 'n skip in 'n ander land. Enigste vriend wat ons hier naby het, bly 30km ver en ek weet nie of hy sou geweet het wat om te doen nie. My hulpvaardige, bejaarde buurman gaan slaap al 7 uur in die aande. Dis stikdonker by sy huis. Ek het nie 'n plunger nie. Ek het nie 'n draadhanger nie. Ek het nie 'n freakin CLUE nie!
Ek kom klim toe op google en search vir unblocking toilets without a plunger. Hulle sê toe draai 'n dreadlock-mop in sakke toe en gebruik vir 'n plunger. Ek het net 'n vierkantige mop met 'n sponsie aan en 'n steam mop. Ek dog toe DIT gaan nie werk nie. Lees verder vir oom Google.
Hulle sê toe draai baie supermarksakke om jou toiletborsel en plunge daarmee, asook gebruik kookwater ens. Ek kookwater toe eers, en plunge daarna met die toiletborselsakke. Dog dit gaan werk maar toe laat die kookwater die borsel buig, en die sakke neek af. Nou weet julle hoe ruik gekookte 23???
En ek het hoeka glad nie 'n sterk magie nie. Dawid (bless him) hol en gryp my naaste (nogal wit) bloes en kom draai dit om my kop, want my hande is vol - en my maag ruk en ruk. Anyway, dit werk toe nie. Die plunging, bedoel ek.
Ek hol buitentoe want as ek nog boonop uela kan ek dit mos nie in die verstopte toilet doen nie! En ons kleine huisie het net EEN toilet. Die vars lug het my goed gedoen, genadiglik reen dit nie op die oomblik nie. Toe dink ek mos ..... Swembadsuur! Dit vreet enige iets. Gooi toe die stink goed in, maar moet hol vir die fumes. Na 10 minute toe waag ek dit terug. Niks gehelp nie.
Ek hol buitentoe want as ek nog boonop uela kan ek dit mos nie in die verstopte toilet doen nie! En ons kleine huisie het net EEN toilet. Die vars lug het my goed gedoen, genadiglik reen dit nie op die oomblik nie. Toe dink ek mos ..... Swembadsuur! Dit vreet enige iets. Gooi toe die stink goed in, maar moet hol vir die fumes. Na 10 minute toe waag ek dit terug. Niks gehelp nie.

Ek dink toe aan Domestos, maar is te bang om dit in te gooi na die acid. Spoel toe maar versigtig 'n halwe spoel, net dat dit stadig deurloop en die acid verdun. Gooi toe Domestos in, los 'n ruk en spoel weer... En sowaar.... Iewers tussen die kookwater, acid, plunge en Domestos het iets gewerk.
Nou gaan ek lekker bad en slaap en more is ek hopelik orraait... dis nou as ek nie intussen cholera of tifus opgedoen het nie.
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Ons is HIER!!!
Today Retha reminded me that I haven't updated my blog in a long time. Long time definition here is a month. Goodness, has it been that long?
Now where will I start? The 24th December flew by in a flurry. The last people came to fetch their purchases/freebies. I gave away a lot of things to people arriving in January from South Africa, at least I could make somebody else's landing a little softer. It's a good feeling, paying forward what was done for me, 7 years ago. BellaDonna was fetched by Southern Comfort, and I cried my eyes out. I still shudder at the thought of what I had to put her through.
We then loaded the Ravvie for the last time, (I MISS MY RAV!!) drove to the motel for our last NZ night, Flip delivered the Rav to its new owner and took a taxi back, and we all crashed. The boys slept for 2 hours, but after 30 minutes I was wide awake again. Luckily the motel had internet in the lobby, sharks, asking $5 for 30 minutes, so I emailed my family with a last update.
We went to dinner, and the best of the walking distance eateries was Burger King. So funny, our first "dining out" was also Burger King. It tasted better 7 years ago, I think.
Back at the motel we exchanged gifts, watched a movie and went to bed. Very early David woke us, as he wanted to surprise his friends with breakfast, so 6:15am we sent him off, me again in tears. Jeesh I was an emotional wreck!
We only had coffee and toast for breakfast, and headed out to the airport. The first snag was that the airline did not book our seats together. The check-in girlie changed seats for us, and we headed upstairs. LUCKILY we decided to fill in departure cards immediately, and Flip discovered that he is booked in as Ms Wang Chi Wong.
While he headed downstairs to fix the name, PJ decided the toast did not quite fill the spot.
No further problems, we had a good flight to Sydney, but tiredness was setting in fast. We all had a huge sleep debt, and the previous night's 4 hours wasn't helping. The very kind Ms Wong agreed to exhange seats and at least we sat together except for take-off and landing. Inflight movies was boring, we had an old aeroplane, so no personalised screens, but sleep would not come.
Some people even got grumpy when I took too many pics. :)
By the time we landed in Sydney we were all hot, bothered and exhausted. Luckily the airport attendant offered us immediate flights to Brisbane, instead of the 5 hour wait we were supposed to do. So we were quickly carted off to the domestic airport via bus (without air-conditioning - boy is that a necessity in this country!) along with a huge group of South African cricket fans on their way to Melbourne. Come to think of it, 3/4 of the people in the bus were Afrikaans lol.
The domestic koffie-mof... e .. airline staff were NOT as friendly as international staff, for sure. Nearly got my head bitten off when I requested a tomato juice instead of the mixed-fruit-in-a-box they had on tap. Maybe they did not get extra pay for working on Xmas like international flight staff.
We arrived in a sweltering Brissie, where we had to insert coins to get a trolley, and guess what, we did not HAVE Aussie coins and not a lot of patience left, and exhaustion was a definite factor. The trains did not run, so we had to find a taxi, but later that night we discovered a train trip would not have been much cheaper anyway. The motel was fine, but their spa gave out the day before, the spa that was the main factor in choosing that particular motel when we booked! We went for a walk after a short rest to buy dinner, but not a lot of places were open that time of Xmas night. So we bought a pizza and some Coke (vanilla nogal, what a find - not available in NZ anymore).
Next morning me and PJ packed (again!) while Flip went to the airport via train to get our hire car, and we drove up north to Leon & Wendy's for the weekend. What a weekend! While Wendy and me checked out houses on the island, the men went looking for cars. They found a very good buy, which did not pan out because they saw us (from NZ) as a bigger risk as people straight from SA on a visa. Less proof of commitment to stay, see. So they wanted 50% deposit, and we said stuffit.
The Sunday we drove from Ipswitch (south west of Brisbane) where PJ and I was to house-sit for 2 weeks, to the Island again, to look at some more houses. Most estate agents were closed, but we got a few addresses. I did not much look forward to driving so far on my own to try and secure a house, but it had to be done. Flip was due back offshore the Monday morning. But while looking at houses, we found an old local newspaper in a letterbox. I scanned through, and low and behold there was a private advertisement. I phoned the number and left a message, and while we went to the beach for a look-see and an ice-cream, Lex phoned me back, and said meet you at the house. He had his fill with estate agents, and rented privately. The house was on the small side, only 3 bedrooms and no air conditioning, but the price was right with a swimming pool. So we gave them our references and that night they phoned to say we got it. So maklik! And believe me, going through agents is much, much more involved, you have to apply with a deposit, have a 100 point system to fulfill (getting points for passports, having an Aussie employer, Queensland drivers licence etc etc.) Then only are you screened and accepted or declined. We had it easy.
Monday hubby was off again and I had to sort out car rentals. So I found a very cheap little rental sans insurance, I am just driving VERY carefully. As long as somebody else hits me, another car, I am okay. My NZ travel insurance will cover me up to 31st January.
I will not comment on the house sitting job, as it scarred me for life and I decided i HATE dogs. Nuff said. BellaDonna landed on the 7th, and I collected a very stressed out, very thin siamese at the airport. They are so much more professional here than NZ with collecting animals/belongings. It broke my heart to leave her in a cattery on this side, but it would have stressed her even more in that house with 2 dogs and 2 strange cats.
On the 10th we moved into our little house, me and PJ, with borrowed inflatable mattresses, table, chairs (thanks Nilo) and cups, plates, bar fridge, pots and lined (thanks Wendy and Leon!). BellaDonna screamed for 2 days before calming down a bit, and it took her that long to eat anything again. I was so worried. After two nights however I went through the expense of buying a matress, as the inflatable was killing me. David had to get a new bed anyway, we sold his in Auckland.
It was about at this point I discovered that my container was in fact sent to Melbourne, after I phoned them on the 29th December pointing out this error after receiving an email. For those who do not know, the ship sailed from Auckland to Sydney, and Brisbane is NORTH of Sydney. Melbourne is way... way to the south. In the 3 times I phoned, I spoke to 3 different people, explaining from scratch as the previous one went on holiday and no notes were made on my file. Every time I was told about it being an "administrative error" and I should not worry. Then on the 13th January I decided to use my brains and Uncle Google to track the vessel my container was on. After a strongly worded email, including the site link I used to track the vessel, in which I insisted on some honesty instead of the lies I've been fed, Grace Removals admitted that it went to Melbourne. Good Grief! I told them about this on the 29th, more than a week before the vessel left Auckland!
Things got better after fetching David on the 15th, I slept better, at least. Yesterday I decided to phone Grace Australia instead of the Auckland branch, and the lovely lady there told me that my container was cleared by customs, no problems (I was very worried about the biltongbox!!) and that it will be loaded on a truck by Wednesday, and that I should have it early February. About bloody time. I am gatvol sitting on a beanbag, sleeping on the floor. I WANT MY STUFF!! How did I do this 7 years ago, selling everything and starting new? I am too old for this. I wish we came to Australia all those years ago, but then, I do believe in fate. One day I will understand why we had to do the NZ detour.
One thing I know, is that we finally came home. All I need now is my husband by my side, I wish he did not have to go away for such long times. Think I better get the boys grown-up, then BellaDonna and I can follow his vessel in a little sailboat. Would that not be nice?
David is starting school on Tuesday, right after our very first Australia day. I should get more internet time then as well, with Mr D in school for 4 days a week. Go figure, here they have every Thursday off for employment preparation. Wish I had school in Aus!
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